Thursday, November 10, 2011

Random Quotes

Miss A:  I smell tuna fish.  Did you make tuna fish?  I can smell tuna fish.  I think it's my feet.

Miss M:  (While Miss A sings a song with words that go "I will work, I will pray, I will always walk in His way...")  I will hold hot soup.  I will burn your fingers.  I will hold Buzz.  I will hold Jessie...

Miss A:  I'm going to have like twenty babies!
Mama:  That would be a lot.
Miss A:  Yeah, like twenty!  And when they're one, they'll eat with their two teeth.

Miss M:  I don't like to cut alligators.  But you can't cut alligators.  Only Miss M can cut alligators.

And Miss R leads her sisters in choruses of "Ah-gee" until the back seat sounds like a zombie convention...

1 comment:

  1. Janette, thank you so much! This totally made my day!!,
