Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Loofty-Hoop

To those who may not know, this is a Loofty-Hoop (I think I got it wrong before- not Hoofty-Loop...).  One of those long ribbon things that the rhythmic "gymnasts" use in the olympics.  The girls have one from somewhere, and it has surfaced as their new favorite toy.  Tons of fun!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Guess the Object...

Miss M:  I'm going to the festibull.  This is my hoofty-loop!

(No guesses?  No one knows what a hoofty-loop is?  I'll post a photo...)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Naval Exercises...

Miss A was drawing a picture today for a friend who is stationed on an aircraft carrier.  She drew the island of Guam, and then what, I think at least, is a fairly good representation of a ship- for a five year old.  I asked if that was our friend's ship...

Mama:  Is that a ship?
Miss A:  It's Dr. Mike's air craft carrier, coming to Guam.
Daddy:  Oh.  His ship's coming to Guam?
Miss A:  Oh yeah!  Mooovin' in!

A Discussion on Ungulates...

Since moving to Guam, there has been much discussion in our family about people who confuse carabao- cute slow water buffaloes that live here, with caribou- reindeer, that live in Alaska, Finland, and other very northern places that are very different from this tropical island.  Miss A needed more details...

Miss A:  What are caribou?
Mama:  Well, they're reindeer, they live up north in Alaska.
Miss A:  What do caribou do?
Mama:  Uh.  They travel... and wolves eat them...
Miss A:  And they fight with their prickly things on their heads.

The Latest in Military Uniforms...

While waiting for Daddy to come out from work, Miss M watched several other aviators leaving the building...
"I never seen pink flight suits.  Why?"

(And I apologize for the grammar!  But she is three...)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Super Grandpa

Miss M:  Mama.  Catch those birds!
Mama:  I can't!  They're too fast.
Miss M:  Well, Grampa could...

Hearing Things...

Miss M:  Did I just hear a cow in my ear?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Freudian Slip?

Miss A:  Ohhhh, when I catch a cute little baby deer, I want to eat it.  Oh, um, I mean I want to keep it as a pet.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Miss M, Ever Tactful...

To the cranky old lady at the passport office when we turned in our applications:  "Why are your teeth yellow?"  (And that, my friends, is the reason we still don't have passports five months later...)

To me about a lady in the post office:  "Mama, is that a girl or a boy?"

To me about a different lady in the post office (same day, she was really on a roll):  "Mama, why is that lady chocolate colored?"  (And that is why I wish I had a little kid shock collar.)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Super Flopsy...

Here at our new house in Guam, there are some evil little bees called Boonie Bees.  Nasty aggressive little things that sting for no reason, and don't have the grace to die decently afterwards.  Miss A got bit nine times during a Cinco de Mayo party.  Miss M obviously worries about this, but knows her best friend Flopsy has her back. 

"Bunnies eat boonie bees, bugs, and carrots.  But especially boonie bees."

Simon and Garfunkle Gone Awry...

Miss M was pretending to pick plants on one side of the kitchen, then putting the imaginary leaves in a cup on the other side of the kitchen.  And I swear I'm not making this up...

"Here is some parsley...  Here is some sage...  Here is some rosemary...  Here is some salsa."

Starting Young...

One of the nice things about living on a military base is that we can basically turn the girls out to run with the pack of kids, and pretty much trust that they will be fairly safe.  On our first day in our new house, Miss A (5), came running in the door...

"MAMA!  I just saw a flock of boys!!!  Come see!"

Travel Plans...

We recently undertook a big move.  There were many weeks of uncertainty, staying in hotels and with kind relatives, and without the belongings that all of us are accustomed to...  The girls took it well, but keeping them abreast of what was going on when we didn't usually know ourselves was challenging!

Miss M:  "Where are we going?"
Mama:  "We are driving to New Orleans and then Daddy will drop us off at the hotel and we will say goodbye to Sally Boy (our car, named by Miss A a couple years ago).  Because Sally Boy has to cross the ocean on a boat.  And then we will spend the night at the hotel, then the next day we will get on the plane.  We will fly on the plane for two days, and then we will get to Guam."
Miss M:  "Uh...  How bout five minutes on the plane."

Miss A Randomness

"Mom, is it ok if I slobber on my animals?"

My last name is ..... but my real name is Cinderella."

Daddy Capabilities...

Miss M:  "Look at the moon!  I can't reach it.  Daddy would have to get a tall ladder."
Miss A:  "Daddy couldn't get it with a ladder.  He would need a tall rocket ship.  A big tall rocket ship.  Not made of legos."

Miss M Randomness...

"I don't like to cut alligators.  But you can't cut alligators.  Only Miss M can cut alligators."

Her favorite underwear has "pole-ka-la-dots."

"Mama, do kangaroos eat carrots?"

Mama:  "We need to wash your dirty body."
Miss M:  "Actually... playing would be much better."

Primary Songs Gone Awry...

In our church, Miss A is learning a song that goes like this:  "I will work, I will pray, I will always walk in His way..."  Miss M's version is slightly different, although sung to the same tune...  "I will hold hot soup.  I will burn your fingers.  I will hold Buzz.  I will hold Jessie..."