So I'm going to give you two lists: one of more "alpine" type plants, and one of some woodland plants. A disclaimer though- these are not necessarily actual plants you would find in these environments if you were to go look. They just convey, to me, the same idea; but without the strict drainage and temperature requirements. I would sort of group the alpinish ones together, probably around that twisty cedar for example, and maybe a couple other places, and then have the woodland types, which tend to be bigger, around other places. If you throw them all in together the alpines might get lost... Together it should give you a nice mountain garden look. I'll put stars by the ones that I think you should get most of...
Colubines- shorter varieties. This one is Aqueligia alpina

Silene schafta- pink, blooms in fall. (I guess you can find the pictures faster yourself on google images...)
Blue fescue grass
*Campanula- Any of the short varieties like Birch's Hybrid
Aster monch
Dianthis firewitch
*Heuchera- the green leaved types are native to our mountains and would look great.
Hymenoxys- if you can find it. Great little yellow daisies. If not,
*Coriopsis auriculata Nana
*Salvia May Night
Veronica Georgia Blue or Waterperry Blue or Blue Reflection, or any other creeping
Creeping Phlox- not too many because they're ugly, but nothing beats them for early spring color.
*Campanula rotundifolia- my all time favorite, put it everywhere...
Diascia Coral Canyon
Epimedium- talk to the guys at the nursery and ask how this does there.
Geranium dalmaticum
Bulbs- for the bulbs in these areas I would stick with the small perennial tulips (like Lilac Wonder) and smaller daffodils (like hawera and tete a tete) and lots of the small irises (like reticulata)
I would definitely do some roses, to give the look of wild roses. Nearly Wild, or eglanteria maybe. Where are you getting your roses? Are they own root roses? High Country Roses is a good source, for info as well as the plants.
*Columbines- any and all varieties.
Baptisia- These and thermopsis both give the look of lupine but are easier to care for
Blue Fescue
Other grasses- some Miscanthis sinensis Morning Light, or Penisetum Karley Rose
*Asmonia hubrecctii
Aster Monch
Ferns- Ask the nursery people what does well there
Alchemilla mollis
Phlox paniculata David
Well, that's what I can think of right now. If I come up with anything else I'll pass it along.
Oh, and it looks like your lilacs have powdery mildew...
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