Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Four Years Old- Almost...

I have a wise sister who has six kids.  She once told me that the most challenging age her children went through was four years old.  We're almost there with Miss M, and I can really tell...  These last couple of weeks have been... different.  Lots of arguing and power struggles.  But she still is so cute!  I need to always remember the sweet things she says and does, and focus on her little innocent spirit.  Here are some Miss M quotes from the last two days...

"Do you know what a bullet is?  It's a round round ball and it shoots bad guys."
 "When I have not any toe nails painted, then I'm cute.  When I have toenails painted, then, I'm pretty."  (This is a constant struggle with Miss M.  I always mess up and say that she is cute, and then she gets mad and says she's not cute!  She's pretty!  I don't know where her objection to being cute comes from, but it is hard to work around, because she is undeniably... cute.)

And this conversation from the back seat:
Miss M:  Isn't this ocean pretty?  And these mountains are pretty.  But mud is not pretty because it has dirt in it.
Miss A:  I think mud is pretty.  It is a pretty brown color.

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